Hiking  /   NCT  /   Michigan  /   2015  /  
20150615 Gorge Cutoff Rd -- Big Lake Campground
sign Portions of the area you are entering were burned during recent fires
sign Portions of the area you are entering were burned during recent fires [20150615]
Ruth Bennet McDougal Dorrough McDougal Dorrough; NCT; MI 268, MI
Ruth Bennet McDougal Dorrough McDougal Dorrough; NCT; MI 268, MI [20150615]
Ruth Bennet McDougal Dorrough McDougal Dorrough; NCT; MI 268, MI
Ruth Bennet McDougal Dorrough McDougal Dorrough; NCT; MI 268, MI [20150615]
Ruth Bennet McDougal Dorrough McDougal Dorrough; NCT; MI 268, MI
Ruth Bennet McDougal Dorrough McDougal Dorrough; NCT; MI 268, MI [20150615]
sign Entering Ottawa National Forest; North Country Trail
sign Entering Ottawa National Forest; North Country Trail [20150615]
Ruth Bennet McDougal Dorrough McDougal Dorrough;
Ruth Bennet McDougal Dorrough McDougal Dorrough; [20150615]

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